Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Salina, Kansas

Salina, Kansas

After enjoying the Kansas scenery for the 462 mile trip we arrived in Salina, Kansas around 4:00. This city is actually the geographical center of the United States! After checking in we had our official group meeting and then enjoyed a relaxing evening at the movies. Movie choices included; The A Team, Karate Kid, and Toy Story. Believe it or not most of us went to see Toy Story! Everyone enjoyed the chance to sit back and relax.

Al is navigating through Kansas City on our way to Silina. He's the man, such a professional driver!

Enjoy the views of Kansas from the bus window! It is a complete contrast to what we are all used to back home!

You can see miles, and miles of road out in front of you.
Align Right

Wheat fields, wheat fields and more wheat fields!

This farm is miles away but you can see it clearly!

Madeline couldn't take the early morning wake up
call, she caught a nap driving through Kansas!
She's not the only one, we make the bus our second home.

A Kansas farm!

More wheat fields......

Everyone is anticipating our arrival in Colorado tomorrow, Colorado Springs here we come!