Thursday, July 1, 2010

Yellowstone, Wyoming


Driving through Yellowstone we saw many amazing things. Our first stop took us to the mud volcanoes. The first thing the group noticed was the sulfer smell emerging from the ground. Everyone was facinated with the experience of walking the trails and checking out such a unique part of nature.

Our second stop in Yellowstone allowed us to take peak at the amazing view of the upper falls. It is also called the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone. The group sat in amazement and took many pictures to capture this amazing memory. As they took pictures I ran through the group and catured some memories as well.

David, Turner, Lucy, and Molly

Barney, Jimbo, Cole, Madeline, Jayne,
Julia, Blake, Evelyn, and Bessie Rose

All smiles! Betsy, Evanne, and Evelyn

Align Right
Jayne, Betsy, Blake, Evanne, and Evelyn

Barney, Cole,Julia, Madeline, Tripp S, Michael,
Nicholas, and of course David in front!
Jimbo and Grant are peaking in the back.

Stuart and Lauren

Mary Garner, Sallie, MacGragor, Palmer, and


Carson and Madeline

Hey Joseph!

Grace, Annie Gray, and Bessie Rose

Our next stop in Yellowstone brought us to Old Faithful! The most dependable and famous gyser in the park. We enjoyed a great lunch and watched Old Faithful blow its top before heading down to West Yellowstone for the night.

Jackson Hole, Wyoming

The Jackson Hole PlayHouse presents
"Annie Get Your Gun"

The Gangs all here! We got to check out the stage prior to dinner and the show!

Callie, Jayne, and Grace

Jimbo, Carter, Chris, Tripp S.,
Bobby, and Grant

Blake L. and Nicholas

Madeline, Julia, and SuJette

The orange crew! This was an accident, they didn't plan to wear the same color. Orange must be the new pink?

The table's all set and we are ready to eat after checking out the stage!

Here we are ready to eat, the group has just sat down and we are ready!