Sunday, July 18, 2010

El Paso, Texas

Carlos and Mickey's Famous Mexican Food

For our final whole group dinner we enjoyed authentic Mexican cuisine at Carlos and Mickey's. We helped ourselves to chips, salsa, and an amazing buffet.

Al's Gift
Because Al has been such a wonderful addition to this trip, the group wanted to get him something to show our appreciation and thanks. His sole job on this trip is to ensure the safety of all 55 passengers and he did his job wonderfully. Because he collects eagles and is fascinated by the bird, we found a collectors eagle called "focus" that we felt summed up his summer perfectly. He maintains absolute focus on our safety and has gotten us thousands of miles across the country because of it. He even jokes with group and smiles every time they load and unload. We appreciate his positive attitude and caring spirit. It wouldn't have been the same without him.


Grand Canyon, Arizona

On a sunny morning we rolled off the bus and hiked part of the rim of the Grand Canyon. Walking down to the overlook we were able to get a few amazing snap shots of one of the seven wonders of the world. What an amazing experience for everyone!