Thursday, July 15, 2010

San Diego Zoo

The San Diego Zoo is one of the biggest and best Zoological Parks in the world! We were thankful for the opportunity to enjoy plenty of free time to roam and look at the thousands of animals that are housed there. Once again, because it was free time, the group was not all together. Therefore, the pictures below reflect a compilation from different groups as they explored the zoo.

"The San Diego Zoo was so much fun! We took a loop through the whole thing and saw every animal imaginable. My favorite was the panda! He was so cute and it ws amazing to watch them play, eat and sleep!" -- Maragret Carlson




This brings new meaning to recycling!

The bears home!

The grizzly is eating lunch!

Check out how big that bone is!

He took it to the corner to eat!

Interesting information?

The sloth bear was pretty interested in us!

Sun Bears

One of the Panda Bears!

She was relaxing!

Animal art!


"My favorite part of the zoo was seeing the flamingos! I had never seen
pink birds before!" -- Jimbo Barnes

The moneys!

"I really liked the monkeys the best because they were the most lively!" -- Will Adams

More Monkeys......the ones from the bus!

Margaret and McKenzie



More Pandas

The boys, taking the easy road.

Polar Bears

Avenue of the Giants, California

Drive Through Tree

After riding through the Magnificint RedWood Forest we stopped to check out the drive through tree. Al tricked the group by pulling up to the tree, but alas after a quick picture we backed our way out. Noone could believe how big the redwoods were!


Annie Grey and Carrie

Al made all the kids think we were actually going to try to drive through.

The drive through tree.

Look how big it is!

Messing around inside the tree.

Posing inside the tree.

A few climbed up on top!

Hey, girls!

We were here! We left our mark on the big tree!

Laguna Beach

Despite the frigid temperatures of the Pacific Ocean some of the group decided to swim anyway! Not only did they swim, they stayed in and jumped the waves for a while. Those who chose not to swim hung out on the beach and explored the town of Laguna Beach.

Here they go!

Laguna Beach

I'm not sure if the jumping is for fun or to avoid the cold!

They look pretty brave here!

The sun is starting to set.

These girls are not dressed for swimming. They went exploring.
MeHegan got to spend some time with family.


At least they put their feet in!

Margaret C!Align Right

I love Laguna Beach!

This was just before she was soaked by a wave!