Sunday, June 27, 2010

Jackson Hole, Wyoming

ackson Hole here we come!!

Bear Lake

Yes, the water is really turquoise! It is by far the most beautiful rest stop we make. It's in route from Utah to Wyoming!

Snow King Mountain

Riding up the chair lift to the top of Snow King.

Looking back as the others are getting onto the lift!

A view from the top, Jackson Hole in the middle!

The Tetons-- aren't they AMAZING!

Lauren and Allie getting ready to jump off!

Another amazing view, it's really hard to believe that it was really right in front of us!

Riding back down, it was very relaxing watching the scenery around us!

Jackson and the Tetons

Grant and Bobby

Caroline and Stephanie

Our home away from home, the Antler!

Downtown Jackson

The famous Antler Arch in downtown Jackson.

More downtown Jackson Hole

Volley Ball Teams

I'm sure you have all heard of the ever famous 320 Guest Ranch Volleyball Tournament! This year they are so excited about the tournament! The teams are already preparing. They used some of their free time in Jackson Hole to make jerseys! They had a blast and got quite creative. Trust me, there will be many more of these pictures to come!

Salt Lake City, Utah

Mormon Tabernacle Choir

We could only take quick pictures before and after the choir performed because we were there for the live broadcast. The broad cast is the longest running live broadcast anywhere! It was the experience of a lifetime!

Canyon Lands, Utah

As we drove through the Canyon Lands we enjoyed the amazing views, but we also found a way to be a part of the USA world cup soccer game! Everyone in the group wanted to watch the game so the chaperons found the game on the internet! There was one small problem, not everyone on the bus could hear from the small laptop speakers. Then, what I can only call a group effort we solved our problems. First someone passed forward the pink and white peace speaker in the picture. That only helped the people sitting in the first 5 or 6 rows hear the game. Then, Chris piped up with a really good idea, we put the bus microphone to the speaker box and instantly the bus filled with the soccer game commentary! Unfortunately, we didn't get to celebrate a win for USA! Still, our ride turned into an awesome group activity.

Following the game on live update, this was in overtime!

The set up! This is also where the bog happens as we ride along!

Arches National Park, Utah

The group enjoyed a hike up to the "windows" in the park. You can see them in the distance climbing on the rock formations and taking pictures. At first the group wasn't really sure what to think about the extremely hot national park, but after hiking up to Windows they were excited about the experience. Check out the amazing views from the trip through the park.

Taking a picture break.

This is called Delicate Arch. We didn't hike all the way to this one, but did stop at the over look.

Joseph, Blake L., and Nicholas

Alexandra, MacGregor, Sydney, Mary Garner, Sallie, and Palmer

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Durango, Colorado

Stop One: Mesa Verde

We started our first morning in Durango with a trip to Mesa Verde! We climbed the mountain and headed for the visitor center! After touring the museum we headed down to one of the ruins. We hiked down to Spruce Tree House in order to get an up close view! The group even got to climb down into one of the pits! I think the hike back up about did them in, but they enjoyed it!

View of Spruce Pine Tree House from above

Callie, SuJette, Bessie Rose, and Evanne

Tripp A., Michael, and David

Blake with the girls!
Margaret C., Carrie, Betsy, Evelyn, Bessie Rose

Here they come back up the hill!

All the guys.....

Everyone in front of the ruins.

" It was so much fun! Very pretty but we had to truck it up a trail. All and all it was really fun!" --Bessie Rose

Hey Madeline!

Smile Boys!

These girls are listening to the Ranger!

Stuart takes a trip down into the pit.

Molly takes a trip down into the pit!

Hey boys.......

Here goes Nicholas.

I don't think they could believe that people
lived that way.

Blake decided to jump in a lot of pictures!

This group decided to tackle their laundry while in Durango. For many of them this was their first experience washing. Check out the photos below. Although there was some chaperon guidance they definitely did quite well!

The laundry mat gang!

Palmer and Caroline


Barney and David having fun, while washing!

Tripp A.

Stop Two: Bar D ChuckWagon Dinner and Show

What a fun night with a great dinner and a fun show. The Grand Western Tour has been going to the Bar D for each of the 42 years that the Bar D has been open. They always make the group feel welcome!

The owner Sye came out to meet the bus!

Cowboy boots.....she's ready!

"Bar D was really cool because the food was delicious and they performed for us songs that were funny. They were great singers!" --Stuart

Cheese :)

Sye is making sure everyone is seated and ready to get started!

The Bar D Wranglers

Ready for food!

Hey everybody!

Old fashioned plates, cups, and everything!

Chaperons having just as much fun as the kids!

I don't believe in serious pictures!

The dinner show, the group joined in and enjoyed their talents.

Surprise shot!

Al is having just as much fun as everyone else, he's part of the gang!