Sunday, June 27, 2010

Jackson Hole, Wyoming

ackson Hole here we come!!

Bear Lake

Yes, the water is really turquoise! It is by far the most beautiful rest stop we make. It's in route from Utah to Wyoming!

Snow King Mountain

Riding up the chair lift to the top of Snow King.

Looking back as the others are getting onto the lift!

A view from the top, Jackson Hole in the middle!

The Tetons-- aren't they AMAZING!

Lauren and Allie getting ready to jump off!

Another amazing view, it's really hard to believe that it was really right in front of us!

Riding back down, it was very relaxing watching the scenery around us!

Jackson and the Tetons

Grant and Bobby

Caroline and Stephanie

Our home away from home, the Antler!

Downtown Jackson

The famous Antler Arch in downtown Jackson.

More downtown Jackson Hole

Volley Ball Teams

I'm sure you have all heard of the ever famous 320 Guest Ranch Volleyball Tournament! This year they are so excited about the tournament! The teams are already preparing. They used some of their free time in Jackson Hole to make jerseys! They had a blast and got quite creative. Trust me, there will be many more of these pictures to come!