Saturday, June 26, 2010

Million Dollar Highway

Million Dollar Highway from Ouray, Colorado to Silverton, Colorado

Everyone insisted that we give this highway it's own section in the blog. It was the source of a lot of interest as we drove. The entire trip from Colorado Springs we kept hearing, "Why is it called the Million Dollar Highway? Is it made of gold?"
We explained to them that it was named after it was built. It ended up spending a million dollars a mile to make. The group could not believe that and wanted to know why it was so expensive.
The Chaperons told them it would be a surprise! Enjoy the views that lead the group to understand the expense of the road!

Al is navigating the very curvy, narrow road! He is all business!

Isn't it gorgeous? The view was awesome.
Check out the white line! It's a little close over there!

Yes, we met not one, but two tractor trailers on this curve! Al is the MAN!!! He never flinched!

Breathtaking view down into Silverton!

I think this sign sums it up very nicely.

" The ride on the million dollar highway was fun, but a little scary. At some points the white line was only inches from the drop off. But, Al did a great job, as always! " -- Lauren