Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Seattle, Washington

Stop One: Experience Music Project

This unique museum allowed us to learn about and interact with music! We played instruments, joined rock bands and read about Michael Jackson. The Museum doesn't allow indoor photography so there are only a few pictures.

Waiting outside for tickets!

A Wall of guitars.

Finally, we are on the West Coast! First stop, EMP!

Stop Two: Seattle Locks

A local of Seattle jumped on the bus to show us the Seattle sights! He took us to some really neat places. We stopped at the Locks between Lake Washington and the Pacific. He explained the process of the Locks and then took us down below to see the Salmon Swim. You can see them going through the fish ladders!

The Salmon return to the fresh water to lay eggs and die.

MeHegan, Bessie Rose, Annie Gray, and Molly

Here are the Salmon swimming through the ladders.

A View of Mt. Ranier from an overlook.

The boats are going from salt water to fresh water,
they have to fill all the way to the green line.

Stop Three: Breakfast at the Space Needle

Not everyone can eat breakfast and enjoy an amazing view of Seattle at the same time. We had a breakfast and view fit for Kings and Queens. After breakfast we went up on the observation desk for some photo opportunities.

The Space Needle

The group at breakfast!

Stop Four: Pikes Market

After breakfast we had ample time to explore Pike's Market. We saw fresh flowers, fruits, and even a flying fish or two.

These girls got coffee in the market from the very first Star Bucks!

Stop Five: Ivers Salmon House
For dinner on the fourth of July we enjoyed Ivers Salmon House. Ivers sit right over Lake Washington and was the perfect spot to celebrate the fourth of July! Many in the group had thier very first taste of salmon and found they really liked it!

Sujette, Madeline, Callie, Alex, and Jayne

The Best Salmon! It's wood plank grilled.
The Fire Works!!

Smile Mary Garner

Fireworks ove Lake Washington
