Sedona gave us some time to relax and enjoy each others company! Enjoy the pictures of the pool party! Because it's been such a great trip the staff sprung for pizza for the group! A nice evening in Arizona.

Sujette, Julia, Bessie Rose, Carrie, Carson, and Annie Grey

Here they are again, only this time they are acting more like themselves.

Hot Tub! Turner, Madeline, Margaret, Evelyn, and Betsy

Evanne, Stephanie, Alexandra, Sydney, Mary Garner, Palmer
MeHegan, Allie, Tripp, Bobby, Will, MacGregor and Sallie

Carson, Sujette, Lauren, Evelyn, Betsy, Cole, Turner, Grace, Madeline, Callie, Molly,David, Annie Grey, McKenzie, Tripp, Margaret, Bessie Rose, Matt, Carrie, Jimbo, Barney, Chris, and Julia
The pizza Line!!! 16 pizzas later everyone was full and the fun resumed.


Eating by the hot tub!

The pool club.

Turner and Julia are feeding their face!

And back to the fun and relaxing!

Even Al joined in on the pizza fun.

Sunset view from the pool.

Margaret, Turner, and Madeline

Underwater shots......................

The boys being boys.